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Welcome to The London Anaesthetics Interview Course

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Brain Surgeon

The CT1 Anaesthetics/ ACCS Anaesthetics Interview Course

Our CT1 course delivers lectures from our highest scoring Anaesthetic/ ACCS Anaesthetics trainees. There will be structures and blue prints you can use to approach the Clinical Scenario and General Interview. 

This is followed by a series of individual mock interview circuits, again, examined by high scoring trainees. You will receive personalised feedback from each interview.


You will also get exclusive access to our presentation on the MSRA with a detailed run through of the exam and practice questions explained with techniques you can use to succeed!

Brain Surgeon

The ST4 Anaesthetics Interview Course

Our focused course consists of lectures and mock interview circuits ran by the highest scoring Anaesthetic trainees.


Our lectures provide high yield tips, tricks and structures to help you succeed in the ST4 Anaesthetics Interview. Each candidate receives 3 personalised mock interviews with individual feedback to reflect on. 

Our aim is to help you perform your best at the Anaesthetics Interview to help you secure your first choice job! 

Performing Surgery

Upcoming Events

Earn money for each referral to our course

1. Sign up to our affiliate program

2. Share your referral code 

3. Get paid for each candidate that signs up through your personalised link!


The MSRA Course
The MSRA forms part of the CT1 Anaesthetics application. It is used for both shortlisting and as part of your application score. An exam not to ignore and one that you CAN prepare for. 

Led by the highest scoring trainees, this course will help you secure your first choice job! 

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